
Enjoying the Costa Rica Friends and Family Plan — 2 Comments

  1. This story is a great example of the focus on family and friends in Costa Rica. You enjoy time with people in your life on a regular basis, in an informal atmosphere. There are no “play dates” for the kids and gatherings aren’t restricted to planned parties or events. Sounds like you’re enjoying your Costa Rica life – awesome.

  2. We just became ‘friends’ on Twitter and I thought I’d check out your site. Nice. I love people who are living on their own terms. Would you be interested in doing a virtual interview about your experience living in CR for my other website Let me know.

    One of the nice things about being Americans and probably Canadians, we look at our ‘help’ as just part of the extended family. I had a friend who lived in Mexico and was always asking her maid to stay for lunch. At first she was uncomfortable (the maid), but then they became friends.

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