
Why Do 70 Atenas Expat Couples Have To Get Married On Valentine’s Day? — 2 Comments

  1. Actually, anyone can protest in Costa Rica if one’s rights are being violated. What the constitution of Costa Rica actually says is that a foreigner cannot interfere in political affairs. According to our Costa Rican attorney, this means the actual political process; by that they mean political campaigning, political banners, influencing the political vote, and so on. Protesting discrimination, as in this case is perfectly legal and foreigners will suffer no repercussions for doing so.

    Here is the actual section of the constitution as it applies to foreigners.

    “TÍTULO III: Capítulo Único
    ARTÍCULO 19.- Los extranjeros tienen los mismos deberes y derechos individuales y sociales que los costarricenses, con las excepciones y limitaciones que esta Constitución y las leyes establecen.

    No pueden intervenir en los asuntos políticos del país, y están sometidos a la jurisdicción de los tribunales de justicia y de las autoridades de la República, sin que puedan ocurrir a la vía diplomática, salvo lo que dispongan los convenios internacionales.”

    The U.S. Embassy has failed to interpret Costa Rica’s constitution correctly and has subsequently posted erroneous information.

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