
I’ll Always be a Yankee — 4 Comments

  1. Sorry, but I would have to do BBQ. I would see it as a missed opportunity if I ate Chicken Fried Steak. But the Apple Pie ala mode sounds wunnerful.

  2. Yes, you will always be a Yankee, but we love you anyway…you are trying, however if you lived in Texas you would never write “Barbeque BBQ” (that redundancy at it worst)! Of course, you could say BBQ brisket (but, again that is redundant in Texas).

    Not BBQ, but our Hole-in-the-wall gang (named for the fine dining establishment we visit) went to Hutto last night and had terrific chicken fried steak and the best sizzling apple pie ala mode in America at the Texan Cafe. If/when you’re in the Austin area, you gotta visit this place.

  3. Kentucky??? I’ve been in Arkansas for 28 years after spending 28 years in northern Illinois. The Arkansan’s tell me if I live to be 100 years old and stay in Ark. I will still be as I’m called now “A Damn Yankee”. (nuf said)???

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