
Make Your Next Computer a Laptop — 2 Comments

  1. Thanks for writing.
    Yes, I should clarify. I had a VOIP modem in the mix, and I think that did complicate things.
    I think our house has some lead lined walls because I get really crappy wireless reception when I’m just 30 feet from the modem. But I guess that’s another issue.

  2. Hi: Thanks for the link. This is Brian from the Savvy Boomer. I really had no problem. I bought the wireless router, took out the regular router, plugged it into the modem. Entered a network name and password and I was up and running.
    Now, if you’re talking a complete wireless network ie where other computers talk to each other and peripherals on the network-yes, I agree that is a much more complex affair. My post really was just about going wireless so you could use your laptop anywhere in your residence or other places that have wireless connections to access the internet.

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