
A Guy Threatened to Kill Me Yesterday. — 8 Comments

  1. I couldn’t have asked for an even better blog. You are ever present to supply excellent advice, going on to the point for convenient understanding of your visitors. You’re surely a terrific specialist in this matter. Thanks a lot for remaining there for guys like me.

  2. Those guys got what they deserved when that ball scattered ’em! I don’t care what the written rules say about twosomes. They could have easily let you play through and not be pushed and everyone would have been better off. It never ceases to amaze me how some people are oblivious to everything that is going on around them. I’m glad cooler heads prevailed , though. It wasn’t worth breaking a hand and not being able to play all summer!

  3. I think every golf club has players like this guy. They do think their shit don’t stink! Fortunately these guys usually find it harder and harder to find guys to play with…and when they do, they like “peas in a pod”. We’re left with playing with “good” folks that enjoy golf and life.

    Now that I’ve given all the “feel good thoughts”, it does make you want to shove his putter up his ass!

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