
Dilbert Wants Your Reality Show — 7 Comments

  1. Wife Swap Uncut

    Two married couples meet and the husbands compare wives. Husband 1 is then allowed to pick three features from the other wife that are then surgically removed and transplanted onto his wife. Likewise husband 2. The first wife to come out of hospital wins.

  2. “OUT & ABOUT”

    Same-sex couple Steph (an ex-rocker turned classical composer) and Lynette (an opera singer) make lemonade out of lemons in Oklahoma while taking care of a large blended family and working on their dream of an “empty nest” in Vienna.

    Steph – 55, composer and writer (day job: web designer)

    Lynette – 47, opera singer & voice teacher (day job: receptionist at a local real estate office)

    Joel – 36, Steph’s autistic son.

    Micah – 32, Steph’s genius musician son.

    Lauren – 18, Lynette’s over-achieving daughter. Future president of the United States despite her cerebral palsy.

    Heather – 17, Lynette’s bohemian, free-spirited middle child.

    Nathan – 15, Lynette’s skater punk son who will probably be the next Wolfgang Puck.

  3. I’m into the dating shows. Let’s have a 30 year old woman date a bunch of 85 year olds and after she picks one, tell her he’s NOT rich.

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