
Breaking News: NFL Players Are Violent — 5 Comments

  1. OMG I want they will would get hold of their junk straightened out and so I personally understood there was gonna be footballing this specific year. Truth be told there will probably be some significant circumstances involving withdrawal without.

  2. Back in the day, I played college ball in Canada. We would have been the equivalent of a Div 2 team even though athletic scholarships are illegal in Canada. Absolutely anything we did off the field that might have brought any disgrace to the team and we were cut.

    I noticed at my last reunion, 1/2 the players looked like gangsters and the smallest lineman weighed 320. I was considered heavy at 240 when I played. Everything has changed and it’s a shame. I still watch football every chance I get because I still love the game. But you’re right -the off the field stuff is out of control.

  3. And it’s not just NFL, it’s college football, too. Check this recent article:

    We’ve had recent problems with Illinois football players and crime. Fans are part of the problem too. They love the fights, the injuries, the crashes (at NASCAR), etc. Violence is prevalent in all sports: baseball, hockey, basketball, soccer, NASCAR, you name it. Even the gentle tennis matches have their moments. That’s part of the reason tickets get sold.

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