
Happy Dance Because I Won — 7 Comments

  1. Noob. You don’t know when you are in the prescence of greatness. Get back to me when you’ve logged 500 posts.
    I laugh at your naivite.

  2. That made 3 of us interested in Redneck Diva’s site. Sorry to see it shut down after I only recently found it. I had so much fun meeting the challenge. Congrats to gls from this dwarf old lady.

  3. @RedneckDiva I shut down the contest. I am the absolute and final champion! I am the greatest, I shall reign supreme forever.
    Do I get a badge for my blog? Can I make my own?

    @Jesus, just one more thing, I have a horse in the sixth race at Ellis Park on Sunday. AllInOnDeputyJin. 4:1. Whaddya say?

  4. You are, by far, the most excited winner we’ve had! I don’t think in all the months I’ve been hosting the challenge, we’ve ever had a winner “neener” in jubilation!

    I think the site has met its final moments and due to complete and utter lack of interest by anyone (other than you and I), it looks like I’ll be shutting ‘er down.

    RIP, WitToI, RIP.

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