
eBay is Going To Be Funner — 4 Comments

  1. I LOVE EBAY! When you can’t sleep at 3:00 a.m. what “funner” thing to do than shop ebay. By the way, I’ve bought some of my best purchases in the middle of the night – of course I was on a lot of legal steroids at the time; they make some people eat, they make some people shop!

  2. Wow – entire estates! I’m impressed. I sold a lot of my Mother’s things after she died, and amazed at what some of the knick knacks sold for. Packing and shipping is a hassle, but worth it in this case. Wife buys a LOT more than we sell – almost entirely yarn and patterns.

  3. I’m still hanging in there since 02/1999. I only sell things and only good stuff. I purchase entire estates and liquidate them there. I have a friend who has made well over 1500 personal purchases through eBay and has rarely been unhappy. eBay is as close to a “free market” as you can get. Ain’t it grand?

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