
Hit Me With Your Best Shot! — 9 Comments

  1. Agh, I’ll try my best to dig around and find something. This is my last week before the kids start school and I’m meeting myself coming and going! It sounds like fun and I’ll do everything I can to dust something off. 🙂

    I hate it when life gets in the way of my blogging.

  2. We shoot, is that all? I might, but I think blook rhymes with blue is pretentious, Why can’t it be blook rhymes with book?

  3. First you find your best post, then your second … and before you know it, you’ve popped them into a template at Lulu and you have your first blook. Thought I ought to warn you! And, after you’ve done that, you, of course, drop me a line so that I can feature your blook at Blooking Central. Right? 🙂

  4. @ Gretchen – LOL. I missed your smart-assedness.
    @K8 the Gr8: have you met Gretchen, I think you two would hit it off.
    Glad you are going to show us your best!

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