Comments Jumps the Shark — 4 Comments

  1. @Gretchen: So Jump the Shark is a fun thing in your house? ie: jumping Ben? Or that’s your term for low-paying law firms?

    @Seniorwriter: You want an underdog? Try, I’m an unpaid writer for them. Now we both plugged our buddies.
    I have no doubt any adult can enjoy any blog/website.

  2. Interesting. Always a champion of the underdog, I’ve been rooting for the vastly underfunded (Disclaimer: I’m a columnist there, but not a paid one). I’ve always found EONS confusing and hard to use. eGenerations seems to have a more personal touch–and far fewer members, of course. By the way, I’m a Senior rather than a Boomer. Can our generations enjoy the same web sites? I think the jury is still out on that.

  3. “Jump the Shark”, good Christ, is common terminology in my family! Ben and I have both spent time on Monster; local law firms afflicted with terminal penny-pinching use it because the area legal professional publication, The Daily Journal, charges more than these firms are willing to pay their employees. If a firm advertises on Monster and not in DJ, this is a job you do NOT want to take.

    $50 million pissed away is nothing in these parts. Probably guys in Newport Beach take $50 million craps every day, then wipe their asses on the employees they hired through Monster.

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