
Meet Emma; She’s a Spammer — 6 Comments

  1. You can’t really call Emma a spammer. It’s not the company that’s responsible for the mail. They provide the machines and the software/hardware, but the company that pays for the service is the spammer. They “send” the mail. Emma doesn’t send anything, the end user logs in and sends it.

    In your context, services such as Yahoo Mail, Gmail, and Hotmail must be spammers. They provide the same outlet to send the spam (for free – no less), but they aren’t the ones creating the addresses for the spam to go to.

  2. @Teri: Emma is a spammer.

    In your context, Emma is an enabler of spam.

    Sure companies don’t see their email marketing as spam – they have drunk the Kool-aid.

    Yes, my point exactly: lots of otherwise upstanding companies use Emma. And they are spammers – IF they send ANY unsolicited email to clients or prospects.

    Blanket statement that I will not retreat from:
    Spam is bad, no matter where it originates.

  3. Actually, Emma is an out-sourced service for companies to send their e-newsletters. These typically opt-in newsletters and each company that works with Emma has to agree that it’s NOT spamming anyone via the use of Emma. If spamming is happening, it’s because of the individual companies. Not due to Emma.

    I just want to clarify that Emma is a service that spammers abuse. Emma is not at fault.

    Emma is like any other mass-mail outsource, including constant contact and lyris lists.

    My company uses Emma. Many do. Many legitimate companies do. But, also – some spammers do.

    You take the good..

  4. @allaboutduncan: Emma is a spammer, that doesn’t upset you? If you send your newsletter – and it’s opt-in – and that’s all your send. no prob. But if you send unsolicited emails, that are not newsletters, to your clients. ever. you are a spammer too.

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