
U2 3D – It’s U2; It’s 3D; It’s a Movie. — 9 Comments

  1. @3d aircraft modelling I love imax 2 since we have one in london near our house me and the family have been going there regulary and u2 concerts on those screens are really nice 2 see

  2. U2, hmmm. Ben says they are the last rock ‘n’ roll band left standing, but I don’t know. Bono is a little too “I’m a rock star, therefore I’m entitled to inflict my opinion upon you whether you like it or not” for me.

    That said, my cell phone has a custom ringtone for when Ben is calling, which is “It’s A Beautiful Day”. Because when Ben calls, it is, it is. 🙂

  3. @Stepford Mom: dangerous as hell, but something you’ll never forget. Can’t say I don’t endorse the elimination of festival seats, but even with that gone – the crowd brings a lot to the experience.

  4. Remember way back in the day when you camped out to get tickets, and the first person in line got the first seat? None of that drawing a number lottery crap. I spent 3 nights in November around the Thanksgiving holiday outside our university arena with hundreds of other people because there was a chance that something was going to happen with some dates and U2 were going to play. My roommate and I were numbers 7 and 8 in line…. front row, Joshua Tree tour…nothing else will ever live up to that experience.

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