
The Best and Worst Christmas Movie Remakes — 3 Comments

  1. I like Elf, too. It is one of only two Will Ferrel movies I’ve been able to sit all the way through (the other was Stranger Than Fiction). OK, maybe also Bewitched. So make it two-and-a-half.

    But Bob Newhart is what makes Elf work for me. He’s a treasure. Of course, I’m also partial to Zooey Deschanel….

    There are some Christmas movies that could not be remade, no matter what: Christmas in Connecticut, for one. It’s a wonderful move — a holiday favorite in our home — but completely a product of its time. It could not be ‘updated.’ And Going My Way and The Bells of St. Mary’s couldn’t be remade today either. Society has changed in so many ways… but, have you ever noticed what movie is playing on Christmas Eve when George Bailey runs down the restored main street of Bedford Falls? Yup, The Bells of St. Mary’s. I wonder how Henry Travers managed to swing that?

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