
Just by the Hair on My Backety-back-back — 7 Comments

  1. *grins* a little chest hair never hurt anyone ๐Ÿ˜‰ besides I thought it was a sign of manhood ya know.. maybe that’s just me ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Eh, it all depends on the girl. My gf never complained haha :P.

    But anyway I never understood why people don’t like the chest hair anymore – it’s good looking and STILL for a lot of women it’s still attractive.

  3. @Gretchen: I have been quiet. Not much has moved me – yet.

    @ Incurable Insomniac: Leg hair??? Wow! Again, I didn’t like to wear shorts because my leg hair was light and it looked like I didn’t have any. That is really twisted.

  4. I don’t get it either. When our teen boy came home saying that he’d never again wear shorts to school because the girls were making fun of his leg hair, I decided that the younger generation is really messed up. Is it fear of maturity? Age bias? Sanctioned pedophilia? I don’t know. I for one liked chest hair on a guy.

    Incurable Insomniac’s last blog post..I Can’t Make Peace with St. Patrick

  5. All this “completely shaven” stuff baffles me, too. Especially these days when men except women to be hairless “down there”. That just says pedophilia to me.

    You’ve been quiet today. Drinking, or hung over, or both?

    Gretchen’s last blog post..John Adams.

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