
How Far North Would You Find Jesus Bar and Grill? — 5 Comments

  1. Yeah, now that you mention it the religious yuppie segment might find it offensive. Now that I think about it, not even the Mexicans actually use the name Jesus in their restaurant names, probably for this reason.

    We have three Jesus action figures on top of our living room TV, as well as Jesus pencil toppers. ‘Cause we’ve got a friend in Jesus.

    Gretchen’s last blog post..Blue Balls Hockey And The Octopus Conundrum.

  2. @Catch Her In The Wry: Thinking about it? That was my lunch.
    Of all the foods you mentioned, I could stand to eat spinach, wilted with bacon grease. But that doesn’t work does it. Raw Brocolli just tears up my guts, I love it, but it hates me… sam wity radishes. I used to snack on radishes as a kid. Red ones. I would fix a bowl and eat them. Love the whites too, but the burping is stinky!

    @Gretchen: But would the community understand if there was a Jesus Bar and Grill? or would there be protests? Not Jesus Ceurveza and Tacos, that would be too obvious.

  3. This area is crawling with guys named Jesus. In fact Sam confronted this for the first time this week. “There’s a guy at school named Jesus!”

    I don’t know what a contemporary Christ would do about the Last Supper, but I’m quite certain mine would involve McDonald’s double cheeseburgers and Diet Coke.

    Gretchen’s last blog post..Blue Balls Hockey And The Octopus Conundrum.

  4. It doesn’t surprise me that you’d be thinking about a Last Supper of hamburgers, potato salad, baked beans, m&ms and beer the day after your doctor tells you to start the do or die diet. I’ve been thinking about broccoli, brussels sprouts, spinach, lima beans, and dark chocolate (for antioxidants).

    Catch Her In the Wry’s last blog post..Good bye, Mr. Chips

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