
Getting Cranked on Ice Cream Unless You Have The Balls or Get Bagged — 6 Comments

  1. @Gretchen: Allen, MI – where MI, OH and IN come together. Be glad you didn’t move there. It is so depressed and has been for two decades. The UP (yoopers) is wilderness living.
    @Redneck Diva: We have a Donvier ice cream maker!!! woo hoo. It makes about two quarts and is hand crank. We had an electric one too, and don’t recall it being overly noisy.

  2. Oh by the way…thanks for the whole entire post sparked by little ol’ me! This is the second time lately, you old coot! I’m gonna have to bake you cookies or something.

    At I’m so thankful that at least this time it wasn’t about me farting at the Tastee Freez….

    Redneck Diva’s last blog post..Who scream?

  3. My little sister bought a new-fangled fancy schmancy ice cream maker with a motor and everything. It ran us all out of the house because of the horrendous noise it emitted! Good grief, I’d have rather pulled a muscle cranking my nana’s old maker rather than listen to that horrible new one!

    With this ice cream in a bag, though, all I had to listen to was my kids repeatedly asking, “Mom? Mom! Do you think it’s ready? I’m tired of shaking it! This is taking forEVER! When will it be done?” etc, lather, rinse, repeat, yada yada yada.

    Where’s Nana’s old ice cream maker when you need it?

    Redneck Diva’s last blog post..Who scream?

  4. Oh damn, I have always wanted to make homemade ice cream but have never got around to doing it. For that matter, I always thought the idea of churning butter was cool, but I’ve never done that either.

    We have a slushie machine (basically a cheap-ass blender from Target) for the kids. Nowhere near the same, I’m afraid.

    I didn’t know you were from Michigan. Which bit? For a while about 15 years ago I had a crazy hair up my ass about moving to the Upper Peninsula, but that turned out to be just another instance of trying to get the hell out of California somehow, anyhow.

    Gretchen’s last blog post..The Human Condition: Call Your Doctor!

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