
My 100 Word Order for the Fresh President of Pennsylvania Avenue — 18 Comments

  1. It was the A1C test (blood workup for glucose) that killed it. It shows the average glucose level for the past 3 months. But then again I’m a 5′ 11″, 150 lb man who eats right and doesn’t have a sweet tooth that was diagnosed with diabetes 2 years ago which doesn’t exactly make me a prime candidate for this malady. So I’m strange and unusual, already?

    Kirk M´s last blog post..Vote Smart or Vote Stupid?

  2. And they became especially irritated at me when they found out i brought the mad cow along with me as proof.

    By the way, after I got down to Boston and did the pre-op and was admitted, they postponed the surgery at the last minute due to high blood sugar (468 to be exact). So I get to due the whole thing over again in 2 to 3 months. Oh hoo-the f***-ray.

    Glad to be back though, thanks! 😎

    Kirk M´s last blog post..Vote Smart or Vote Stupid?

  3. And they really became irritated at me when they found out I brought the mad cow along with me for proof.

    Just so you know, they postponed the surgery (after I got down there and went through pre-op etc, etc) due to my blood sugar being too high so I get to do it all over again in another couple of months. Ask me how I love it. Go ahead…ask me.

    On second though, don’t ask me.

    Really glad to be back though. 😎

    Kirk M´s last blog post..Vote Smart or Vote Stupid?

  4. Hey now, I like the sound of this. And I’d get to rush in do some yelling while I’m at it? And get paid for it?

    Nope…sounds great but it’s obviously too good to be true. Too bad though, it really did peak my interest (and got me a link too–thanks!).

    Kirk M´s last blog post..Vote Smart or Vote Stupid?

  5. addendum: now that I look closely, That is the last congress. It’s for the 110th. The upcoming congress is the 111th.

    Sherry, if you come back again, can you see if you can find the 111th sked?

  6. @Sherry Martschink: AMAZING. I really did search using “calendar” and “session.” I usally would get rules on getting something on the agenda or legislative calendar. AMAZING. Thank you so much. I wish I was as good a searcher as you.

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