
Detroit Could Have Built Safe Cars With Only Seven Moving Parts in the Engine — 11 Comments

  1. @Glenn Palmer: Whoa, the Isetta looks NOTHING like the Smart! At least the ones I remember: one door that swang, swinged, swumg open to the front and the steering wheel remained attached! 😛
    (We’re awaiting delivery of our Smart!, so be careful)
    I didn’t know about the “deux chevaux”. not to bad! I only recall the bigger Citroen that was reeeeely ugly.
    The only scooter I had was the Sears version of the Vespa! I thought I would be cool and run premium gas… burned a hole the size of a dime right in the top of the piston. 3 miles from home~~
    Thanks for the recollections!

    GoingLikeSixty´s last blog post..Support the Troops – Xerox Will Send REAL card

  2. Hey Marc,
    What a blast! I lived in Germany at that time and several people I knew had these. They were actually pretty good cars for their time, certainly better than the original bug. Back when I was riding my Goldwing I used to get a kick out of the fact that my motorcycle had a bigger engine than our old family car.

    Other funky cars from that time were: the Isetta that looked almost exactly like today’s smartCar;and the ‘deux chevaux’ from Citroen. That one looked very similar to the original bug. We used to call them ‘douche bowls’ of course. Finally, there was some kind of a t-shaped thing around that was really weird. It had the wide part of the T to the front, occupants sat one behind the other and the car had a plastic cockpit cover. Oh yeah, Messerschmidt. They basically took the cockpit off one of their fighters and dropped it onto a wheeled carriage with a little engine and called it a car.

    Another aircraft manufacturer that got into vehicles after the war was Heinkel. My very first vehicle was a four-stroke scooter made by them. All my friends had 2-stroke mopeds, so I was stylin’.

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