
What’s the phoner stoner aloner roaner boner? — 10 Comments

  1. Can be convenient for me; as I’m carrying loads of shopping bags inside, “well, you told me to get whatever I needed”; yes, you told me I could buy this! Three days ago, can’t you remember anything? But what I really hate is when we’re in public and I say, I’m going to the bathroom; he looks at me and says what; I repeat it, he says what, and yes, the third time I yell I have to PEE!

  2. Well, I don’t live with a man and I’m not a man, but I am 62 and yeah — I’m probably not hearing as well as I used to. Not that I mind all that much. People seem to be saying a lot more stupid crap these days than they used.

  3. OMG that is so true!!!! I just commented to Todd that he’s going deaf because I constantly have to repeat myself!!!!!

      • yup-prostate tho……….not yet for colonoscopy………..getting him to the dr will be difficult-he’s a man ya know……….

        Prostate esp because his dad had prostate cancer…his Mom, died of cancer so it runs in the family.

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