
It’s about bad wieners. — 7 Comments

  1. Can’t believe this was the first time you had real link wieners–hot dogs that is. The way you got them down at Costa Rica is the way they made them originally in the old USA. Still do actually. Not these prepackaged Oscar Mayer, Ball Park Franks, Kahns, what-have-you wimp wieners. If they’re not packed in intestinal skins that you have to split down the middle before you throw them on the grill, they ain’t hot dogs my friend.

    And I won’t bother commenting on the other type of wiener you referenced. Except perhaps to mention that I had 4 hernias fixed at the same time a few years ago and they must have taken a good haul on the spermatic cord because my wiener has been a half and inch shorter since then and it points the wrong way. I’m not happy about that.

  2. Thanks for keeping the reading world updated.
    Not sure how to comment on a “bad wiener” post, except to say that I will have Nathans on the grill tomorrow.
    We will be attempting 12 mile paddle on the Barren River. Wish you could join us.

    • Learned today that Chorizo on a tortilla is much tastier… would love to do the Barren. Glad I had the opportunity. 12 miles is a cake-walk … as long as you aren’t towing a picnic table. 🙂

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