
Shop at Wal-mart, Help Ms. Alice Buy more Art for Bentonville. — 16 Comments

  1. @Robyn: yes, “rich” people will travel. You made my point: for the huddled masses to see great art, the art needs to be located near the masses. Or easily reachable. NW AR is neither.

  2. We’ll have to agree to disagree on that point. If someone loves art, they’ll make the journey for a particular piece or artist (don’t people plan trips around concerts and certain big-name performers?). People pursue passion.

    Robyns last blog post..Eva turns three

  3. @Robyn: art is for the masses. Sure your kid should be exposed to the best art – but millions and millions of other people will not trek to Bentonville to see the world’s greatest art, it just won’t happen. You chose to live in AR, you give up things – like access to a world-class art museum.

  4. Wow, crazygingi, you are sorely mistaken. I’ve grown up smack in the heart of Bentonville for all of my 29 years, and now I am raising my three children here. This area is expanding, thriving, and I am happy to say, growing more culturally diverse by the day (literally), thanks to Wal-Mart. Is it a booming downtown metropolis? No, certainly not – but that is its charm. I live in an area with literally less than 1% crime. We have acres of woods and pasture, with deer in our backyard, yet we are 15 minutes away from wonderful shopping (not just chains, thanks), restaurants (going more local by the month), and now a wonderful art museum. As I look at homeschooling my oldest (just turning 6), I am finding Crystal Bridges to be a wonderful resource for teaching him, especially with their community programs. Do I need to homeschool him? Absolutely not – Bentonville has the top schools in the state. But I can because of the wonderful resources the town offers.

    Here’s what I know, after traveling the state broadly throughout my life: Northwest Arkansas is not like the rest of the state. It is a whole other world, in fact, and those of us who live here and benefit from the prosperity and opportunity brought in by Wal-Mart love it. I am glad to be here, and glad to be raising my children here.

    I have to say that I am slightly affronted that one would suggest that my family doesn’t deserve to be close to a world-class art museum. We will learn things we never could have before, and my kids are open to learning. I for one encourage it.

    Robyns last blog post..Eva turns three

  5. I don’t understand the comment “@Crazygingi: Isn’t Branson is AR?”.

    I don’t shop at Wal-mart because I don’t support their business practices. Other people should follow suit.

    The museum will not attract people to AR. There is just no reason to go there. AR really is one of the worst states to visit. It’s full of chains like Wal-mart and it’s disgusting. I find most people who like to live in AR are “slack-jawed, toothless, inbreds loading up the truck like the Clampetts to visit that there big city”.

  6. AR is exploding with low class rednecks! If you disagree, you’re one of them.
    There is a reason people don’t travel here.

  7. Hi,
    Glad you commented. I guess my problem with the whole deal is access to world-class art by the greatest number of people possible. If a museum features regional artists, then build it anywhere.

  8. I’m from Rogers, which is between Bentonville and Fayetteville, but now i live in western new york. northwest arkansas is a very fast-growing area, and it’s not at all Hicksville, USA. sadly, it is plagued by cookie-cutter suburbia. i say, better for NWA to get an art museum than another movie theater or Applebees. if the rich want to build a museum, why not let them? as far as i know, the entire southern midwest is suffering from lack of culture.

  9. I don’t know, when I think Arkansas I think Clinton. Slick Willie and his wife, the slick butch lawyeress. (P.S.: I voted for Clinton twice. I also voted for Dubya twice! I must have a fondness for lying sacks of sh**.)

  10. Hmmm…I think too many people have this vision of Arkansas in their heads: slack-jawed, toothless, inbreds loading up the truck like the Clampetts to visit that there big city.

    A museum in AR is not going to draw people in from long distances. I fear that people who don’t know Arkansas will think the museum is full of things like the World’s Largest Hay Bale, the Largest Beer Can Collection (with plenty of Old Milwaukee and Schlitz) and the Hall of Presidents Who Almost Got Impeached.

  11. Luckily for me, I recently made plans to visit Benton Arkansas. I hear it’s quite the place.

    Okay, I’ve never heard of it and I’ll probably never go there unless I get lost and end up there on accident.

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