
Vacations Matter. Lookout for Grandad! — 7 Comments

  1. @ Diva: Gatlinburg is our Branson. We’re burned out on the flea markets because around here is pretty much predictable what you will find.

  2. Oh heck no!! I don’t stay at the Ritz or anything, but I try to stay somewhere that we usually can’t afford on a family vacation. I LOVE me some Branson, so that’s where I usually go, but I’ve also just gone as far as NW Arkansas and hit oodles of flea markets. Springfield, MO, is also a shopping haven.

  3. Life for me is a holiday [sorry – vacation] as I enjoy every day. Well, most days anyway.

    When I go on holiday though, I let myself loose on the Guinness. So I always stay in a pub or hotel, or as near to a pub as I can. The rest of the year, I might have the odd pint but that’s all.

    So it isn’t so much a holiday as a drinking fest!!

  4. I’m sorry, but walking around the block is not a vacation – for a stay at home mother, it is sanity preservation. But a vacation, it is not.

    A truly good vacation – for me, anyway – involves being completely alone for a few days. Twice a year I try to escape and go somewhere by myself. For 2 1/2 days I don’t have to share a bed, a remote, break up a fight, cut up someone’s food, fight off the A$$ Rub of Doom or even talk. I think it makes me a better wife and mother – I get to spoil myself with Chinese food that no one else in the house likes, get a pedicure, shop without going into one single toy or sporting goods store and take lots of naps. I come home having missed my family and am ready to go again. I realized years ago that I NEED this time and it’s a selfish priority I won’t give up. But that’s just me. 🙂

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