
I Couldn’t Help It, It Just Slipped Out — 13 Comments

  1. I just turned 40 on 1/11/10, and I totally remember Underdog! 🙂
    I loved Underdog, but couldn’t stand Sweet Polly Purebred.
    Simon BarSinister scared me because I was still young and impressionable.
    These days I’d probably just tell him to go pick on someone his own size, like a Cabbage Patch doll.

    I remember those too.
    .-= Janna´s last blog pithLook! It’s Kirk Skywalker! =-.

  2. When I was trying to get pregnant at the age of almost 40, I joined a few Internet trying-to-get-pregnant groups, populated of course by a bunch of twentysomethings. When asked about favorite music, I mentioned the Beatles, only to be told “Oh yeah, I think my grandpa used to listen to them.” GROAN.

    The Underdog movie is like the “Josie and the Pussycats” movie — they’re just totally not going to be able to find a demographic.

  3. I remember Carnack! (RIP, Johnny) Didn’t always get it, but I remember it.

    I don’t personally remember flower children, but went through a phase in high school where I really wanted to be one. Until my dad told me that in addition to protesting the war, they protested bathing and then I decided maybe I didn’t want to be a flower child so badly anymore.

    My kids were listening to some songs I downloaded from the 80’s and 90’s – my era. Abby was watching me dance like George Michael in the “Wake Me Up Before You Go Go” video and was laughing her head off. She said, “You people were WEIRD back in the olden days!”

  4. @ Cheryl: Yeah, well… well… ah forget it.
    @Kay: Oh, that’s cruel. Take ’em out of the will.
    @Manicmanicurist: True, hadn’t thought about that.

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