
We Saw “The Kingdom” it Reminded Me of This Toy — 5 Comments

  1. Hi Rick.
    It is NOWHERE near the quality of Crash, which I consider to be one of the best movies ever.
    The stuff blowing up is more fun on the big screen, but its a pretty ordinary plot.

  2. Thanks for the tip on the Chiari operation post. I published it and then remembered a lot of children from the school where I teach check my blog daily. I thought them clicking on to the operation might be a little much for a lot of them so I removed it just in case. (I AM going to watch it…probably a little later, after my incision heals, at least.) Hope your daughter is doing well and thanks for the tip.

  3. I REALLY wanna see this movie, but I was hoping it might be a little more thoughtful on the whole “I’ll look the other way if you gimme your oil” thing. Like “Crash” maybe. Should I wait for the DVD?

  4. My kids don’t so much do this; they’re into horror toys, zombies and Frankensteins and evil clowns and such. No threat from terrorists, but watch out for the undead.

    Sounds like a typical action movie. Guys will watch ANY movie which involves lots of stuff getting blown up.

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